01[23:06] как там дела с репортом? [23:06] йо [23:06] никак, но у меня для вас вкусный лог [23:06] ща [23:09] <22:06:46> tical [23:09] <22:06:49> I need to ask you smth [23:09] <22:07:10> how do your russian pals UJIbU4, Tom and Xyu manage to always hit you with M60? [23:09] <22:14:09> what? [23:09] <22:14:14> hit me? [23:09] <22:14:22> I mean us [23:09] <22:14:36> hit us with m60* [23:09] <22:14:39> you mean your gypsy squad? [23:09] <22:14:48> not only the oranges [23:09] <22:14:50> usually everyone [23:09] <22:14:52> probably aimbot [23:09] <22:14:59> should have known by now [23:09] <22:15:00> pfft [23:09] <22:15:04> :D [23:09] <22:15:09> I'm serious [23:09] <22:15:13> that's just bullshit [23:09] <22:15:17> what exactly do you mean [23:09] <22:15:23> you can't even get to them without getting killed [23:09] <22:15:31> no matter how pro you can dodge bullets [23:09] <22:15:33> and when you do [23:09] <22:15:39> and fire a stubby at them [23:09] <22:15:42> glitcher logic [23:09] <22:15:59> i glitch, therefore everyone better than me glitches too [23:09] <22:15:48> they don't seem to record the shots [23:09] <22:16:10> no.. [23:09] <22:16:13> this isn't about glitching [23:09] <22:16:20> sounds like it [23:09] <22:16:21> I'm talking about their aim [23:09] <22:16:25> just by running [23:09] <22:16:27> you get shot by them [23:09] <22:16:27> what do you suspect? [23:09] <22:16:32> not even Hanney can do it [23:09] <22:16:34> but they do it [23:09] <22:17:03> I don't suspect anything yet, just curious how they manage to aim like tht [23:09] <22:17:07> too good [23:09] <22:17:18> well i don't get it [23:09] <22:17:37> they perfected tehir aim since m60 is their fav weapon, and there are 3 of them [23:09] <22:17:41> sure you'll get hit [23:09] <22:17:33> if I take UJ, Tom and Xyu [23:09] <22:17:48> and compare them with you [23:09] <22:18:04> you can see big difference in the skills between them and you [23:10] <22:18:12> i'm premanently rusty, i play with month intervals [23:10] <22:18:27> yeah, I feel you [23:10] <22:18:30> man... [23:10] <22:18:32> i aim just the same after i play for a week non stop [23:10] <22:18:34> this is so frustrating [23:10] <22:18:37> never seen anyone else [23:10] <22:18:43> hitting me every single time [23:10] <22:18:45> I run at them [23:10] <22:19:05> even if we do 20 of us vs 3 of them [23:10] <22:19:13> we'll still get killed [23:10] <22:19:18> weird as fuck... [23:10] <22:19:59> yea well, can't dominate over everyone with just lag and glitch [23:10] <22:20:16> gotta take it up the ass sometimes [23:10] <22:20:20> :3 [23:10] <22:20:19> I don't lag [23:10] <22:20:21> lol [23:10] <22:20:33> I've managed to kill everyone [23:10] <22:20:36> even j.king [23:10] <22:20:37> kong [23:10] <22:20:41> you name the old school dudes [23:10] <22:20:43> but these russians [23:10] <22:20:47> just kill me with m60 [23:10] <22:20:48> ._. [23:10] <22:22:08> if these your favourite players, kong jking hanney, teamed up and played daily, it'd probably be much worse [23:10] <22:22:23> maybe [23:10] <22:22:52> just saying that I've never experienced anything like UJ, Tom and Xyu [23:10] <22:23:12> well, praise allah for the fact that we have enough decency to not glitch, at least [23:10] <22:24:11> heh [23:10] <22:24:16> I ain't even muslim [23:10] <22:24:55> if it wasn't for us you would have been, too :3 [23:10] <22:25:33> yeah, maybe [23:10] <22:25:50> gotta say [23:10] <22:26:22> there is a big difference between Russians in real life and in the history [23:10] <22:26:27> and russians in VC-MP [23:10] <22:27:01> how many real life russians do you know [23:10] <22:27:26> none [23:10] <22:27:47> was saying that you see 'em russians being all friendly [23:10] <22:27:54> in the real world [23:10] <22:27:56> but in game [23:10] <22:28:00> all seem to be cold hearted [23:10] <22:28:02> >_> [23:10] <22:28:11> even you, back in the old days [23:10] <22:29:12> it's probably the same with everybody on the internet [23:10] <22:29:44> as for those guys, i think vcmp really lacks teams like them [23:10] <22:29:56> yeah [23:10] <22:29:58> maybe [23:10] <22:30:07> what's their secret? [23:10] <22:30:24> even if we do 20vs5 on them [23:10] <22:30:31> we still are the ones to get killed the most [23:10] <22:30:39> hmm [23:10] <22:30:40> maybe [23:10] <22:30:09> clans are just a bunch of random glitchers playing at different times [23:10] <22:30:30> just a bit of coordination is all it takes [23:10] <22:31:13> and voice chat [23:10] <22:31:17> still wondering why UJ, Tom and Xyu haven't made their own clan yet [23:10] <22:33:12> 3 are too much [23:10] <22:33:21> wonder if they get the rest of mother Russia... [23:10] <22:33:30> blah, I gotta admit [23:10] <22:33:35> they are pro at teaming [23:11] <22:33:40> and coordination or w/e [23:11] <22:33:59> if you spoke russian you could probably join :D [23:11] <22:34:03> something I should start practising with my mates.. [23:11] <22:34:52> except your mates are from fucking pakistan and won't understand a word you say :D [23:11] <22:36:01> the oranges? [23:11] <22:36:02> or VU? [23:11] <22:37:09> both [23:11] <22:41:17> in VU we only have 2 pakistanis [23:11] <22:41:17> lol